Grey Snake
Hemiaspis damelii
Mildly Venomous
Other common names: None known

Significance to Humans
Mildly Venomous
Although there is limited information on the bites of the Grey Snake, it is essential to treat all bites promptly and provide proper first aid. There has been one reported incident where a dog died as a result of a Grey Snake bite.
General Description
The Grey Snake is characterized by its uniform olive to grey colouration on the upper body, with scales that have black tips, especially on the flanks. It commonly exhibits a dark stripe behind the head, although it may occasionally be faint or absent. The ventral surfaces of the snake are typically white to cream, with sporadic dark grey flecks.
Average Length
Generally measures around 45-50 cm in length, with a maximum recorded length of approximately 60 cm.
Habitat in SE Qld
Typically found in woodlands, particularly eucalypt communities, and shows a preference for heavier, cracking clay soils that are prone to seasonal inundation. It is often associated with water bodies and naturally occurring drainage features
General habits
Primarily nocturnal to crepuscular (dusk and dawn). With observations of the snake foraging in ground crevices during the early morning hours.
Mainly frogs, with skinks also being a part of its diet.
Local distribution
The Grey Snake has been recorded throughout suitable habitats in the Lockyer and Esk Valleys, extending westward throughout the Darling Downs region.
Around the home
Due to its habitat preferences, the Grey Snake is mainly found in rural properties that contain the preferred localities for this species. There has only been one documented capture of a Grey Snake within a home in the Lockyer Valley region.