Pale-headed Snake
Hoplocephalus bitorquatus
Potentially Dangerous
Other common names: None known

Significance to Humans
Potentially Dangerous
There has been one serious case with severe symptoms reported after a bite from a larger specimen. It is essential to apply correct first aid and seek medical attention in the event of a bite.
General Description
The Pale-headed Snake has a relatively broad head, distinct from the neck. Its usual colouration is grey to dark-grey, with a broad, pale grey, or whitish band across the back of the head and neck. This band is bordered behind with a narrower dark or black band before the body colour. The head area frequently has black blotches, and the lips may have black and pale bars. The belly is pale grey. Midbody scales at 19-21 rows.
Average Length
On average, measures between 60 and 80cm in length.
Habitat in SE Qld
The Pale-headed Snake can be found in a wide range of habitats, but it is commonly found in forests, often near watercourses.
General habits
This species is a proficient climber and is partly arboreal. It seeks shelter in tree hollows and under loose, peeling bark and ground cover, such as rock exfoliates. Primarily nocturnal, with a preference for foraging on rough-barked trees during the night.
Mainly feeds on frogs, but it also consumes lizards and small mammals.
Local distribution
The Pale-headed Snake is distributed in various areas, including Darling Downs and Toowoomba, Beaudesert, Esk, Brisbane Valley, and Caboolture.
Around the home
Although the Pale-headed Snake is rarely associated with suburban environments, it may utilise structures in rural and urban settings that are in proximity to its favoured habitat. It is important to exercise caution and seek professional help if you encounter this snake in and around your property.