We have not stared records for Alberton, Bilinga, Gilberton, Gilston, Hollywell, Jacobs Well, Luscombe, Mermaid Waters, Norwell, Ormeau Hills, Parkwood, Stapylton, Steiglitz, Wongawallan, Woongoolba, Yatala But will be adding them soon
Suburb records
- Alberton
- Bilinga
- Gilberton
- Gilston
- Hollywell
- Jacobs Well
- Luscombe
- Mermaid Waters
- Norwell
- Ormeau Hills
- Parkwood
- Stapylton
- Steiglitz
- Wongawallan
- Woongoolba
- Yatala

Jacobs Well
Mermaid Waters
Ormeau Hills
Venomous Snakes
- Elapidae (Elapid front fanged snakes)
Comprehensive Survey of Elapid Species: Occurrence and Records in South East Queensland’s Gold Coast Region
The subsequent compilation of elapids, denoting venomous land snakes native to South East Queensland. A considerable number of these species have been consistently documented within the Gold Coast Region, encompassing the Hinterland and neighbouring western areas. The records encompass tangible evidence from museum collections, as well as well-regarded expert observations and identifications in the field of snake taxonomy. The ensuing list provides comprehensive details on each species, along with their respective findings and records within the suburbs featured on this page.
Non-venomous Snakes
- Boidae (Pythons)
- Colubridae (solid toothed and rear fanged snakes)
- Typhlodidae (Blind snakes)
Comprehensive Survey of non-venomous Species that cover Boidae, Colubridae and Typhlodidae: Occurrence and Records in South East Queensland’s Gold Coast Region
The following compilation comprises six non-venomous snake species that have been reliably documented within the Gold Coast Region, encompassing the Hinterland and adjacent western areas. These records have been substantiated through tangible evidence from museum collections and well-regarded expert observations and identifications in the field of snake taxonomy. The list includes representatives from various snake families. Each species entry presents comprehensive information on its presence and records within the designated suburbs on this page.