Southern Dwarf-crowned Snake
Cacophis krefftii
Weakly Venomous
Other common names: Crowned snake
Significance to Humans
Weakly Venomous
The Southern Dwarf Crowned Snake poses no significant threat to humans. Species belonging to the crowned snake group are hesitant to bite and rely more on bluff displays. They often raise their heads and approximately the first quarter of their fore body in a periscoping manner to intimidate. They are considered weakly venomous, and due to their small size, they have tiny mouths and short fangs. They may rear up and “mock strike” with their mouth closed, resembling more of a head butt. If bitten, correct first aid should be applied, and medical attention should be sought, as anaphylaxis may occur in individuals with specific allergies to the venom constituents.
General Description
The Dwarf Crowned Snake is a very small snake, in fact, the smallest among all crowned snake species. Their eyes are relatively small, which is characteristic of their often fossorial lifestyle in leaf litter and suburban gardens. The body is typically dark steely-grey to black on the upper side, with a creamy-yellow belly adorned with thin, dark crossbands. The distinguishing feature is the “crown,” a narrow collar usually consisting of only 2 to 3 scale widths. This cream or white collar starts at the nape of the neck and extends forward along the sides of the head, sometimes reaching the end of the snout. In the Southern Dwarf Crowned Snake, the nape band is narrower compared to the often confused White-crowned Snake, where the neck collar typically covers 4 or more midbody scales. The crown area in the Southern Dwarf Crowned Snake is usually larger and not such a distinct ‘patch’. Midbody scales at 15 rows.
Average Length
average length is 25 cm, although individuals have been measured up to 35 cm.
Habitat in SE Qld
This species is found only along the coastal region east of the Great Dividing Range. It inhabits rainforests and sheltered moist areas within open forests, such as creek lines with leaf litter and rocks.
General habits
The Southern Dwarf Crowned Snake is secretive, nocturnal, and primarily a terrestrial snake. It hunts small skinks in leaf litter at night and seeks shelter during the day in moist litter, under rocks, logs, and bark.
Primarily feeds on small skinks.
Local distribution
Appears to be restricted to moist suburbs and localities.
Around the home
The Southern Dwarf Crowned snake can be found under various ground detritus, including compost, logs, and stones, particularly in well-vegetated gardens.