Stephen’s Banded Snake
Hoplocephalus stephensii
Moderately Venomous
Other common names: None known

Significance to Humans
Moderately Venomous
Bites from the Stephens Banded Snake can cause severe local symptoms, and general reactions such as headaches and nausea have also been recorded. Immediate treatment and correct first aid are essential when dealing with bites from this species.
General Description
Characterised by its relatively broad head, distinct from the neck. Its body is usually banded with pale grey/yellowish bands across a rusty brown or black background, with strong markings in the mid-body area and weaker contrast at the head and tail. The face and head feature distinctive pale brown, cream, or white blotches or bars on either side, extending to the lips. The belly ranges from cream to grey, often with dark edging. While most specimens have bands, un-banded individuals have also been recorded. Midbody scales at 21 rows.
Average Length
On average, measures about 90cm, but it can reach a maximum length of around 1.2 metres.
Habitat in SE Qld
The Stephens Banded Snake is typically found in rainforests, wet sclerophyll forests, vine scrubs, and rocky outcrops within wet forests.
General habits
This species is a proficient climber, mostly dwelling in trees (arboreal). It seeks shelter in tree hollows, under loose bark, and ground cover, such as rock exfoliates. Nocturnal, being most active during the night.
Preys on small mammals, lizards, and frogs.
Local distribution
Populations exist on the Lamington Plateau and Gold Coast Hinterland. Also found in localised areas around Mt Nebo and Mt Glorious within the Brisbane region.
Around the home
The Stephens Banded Snake is known to inhabit and frequent homes in areas of suitable habitat around Mt Nebo and Mt Glorious in the Brisbane region. Local snake catchers have confirmed numerous calls involving the species entering homes, likely due to its arboreal nature and adaptability to suitable environments in close proximity to human settlements. Caution should be exercised when encountering this snake, and professional help may be required to remove it safely.