Yellow-faced Whip Snake
Demansia psammophis
Potentially Dangerous
Other common names: Whip Snake, Grass Snake

Significance to Humans
Potentially Dangerous
Potentially Dangerous. especially if children involved. Bite can lead to localised pain & severe symptoms. Administer proper first aid and seek medical attention.
General Description
The Yellow-faced Whip snake is an extremely slender snake with a long, thin whip-like tail and prominent large eyes. It typically exhibits a pale olive or bluish-grey colour, often with rusty flush or longitudinal stripes along the front-third of its body. The belly is grayish-green, sometimes yellowish under the tail. Notably, it possesses distinctive face markings, including a clear pale cream or yellow rim around its eye and a dark comma-shaped marking curving back below the eye. Additionally, a dark bar or line with pale edges runs across the front of its snout from nostril-to-nostril. Scales are smooth. Midbody scales at 15 rows.
Average Length
65-70cm, but specimens up to 80cm have been recorded locally.
Habitat in SE Qld
Commonly found in dry open areas, open forests, woodlands, and grasslands. It is also frequently encountered around homes.
General habits
The Yellow-faced Whip snake is a swift-moving, alert, and diurnal snake. It possesses good vision and is an active hunter.
Mainly consists of swift and fast-moving lizards, particularly skinks.
Local distribution
The Yellow-faced Whip snake is commonly found in most suburbs, excluding the inner city. Its distribution extends westward, with recorded sightings as close to the city as Toowong and St Lucia.
Around the home
A swift and alert diurnal snake commonly found around homes. It is frequently seen entering houses during its active foraging efforts. Its abundance is attributed to the high densities of favored skink prey. Seeking shelter, it often utilizes various ground localities such as rock walls, under rocks, sheets of iron, timber piles, and other discarded human litter. One extraordinary incident involved nine individuals being captured under a single piece of plastic in a Goodna backyard, alongside an Eastern Brown Snake. Despite its agility and presence around homes, it remains susceptible to threats from roaming suburban cats.